Geek Speak

Geek Speak: Suryaprakash

In this pressure cooker-esque world of education and competition, it is a never ending battle between fun and scholastics for children. The ever increasing burden of the curriculum always tends to knock the timeslot of play out of children’s routines. Som

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Geek speak: Vidhyasagar

“The hands are the instruments of man’s intelligence” said Maria Montessori once. Of course, she knew much better than anybody about the value of practical learning and the positive impact it can have on the development of children. However, we at Kidobot

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Geek Speak: Roshan and Riyaz Sadiq

The coldness of Sibling rivalry is one which could put even national teams to shame on the level bitterness that ensues between two competing siblings. With the age of smartphone technology maturing and reaching the hands of younger citizens, the rivalry

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Geek Speak: Rohith

When someone asks me what my favourite about Kidobotikz is, I usually nod and not answer it. That’s because there are some many things here to love. Call it a fountainhead of knowledge if you will, for things that are happening here are not easy to descri

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Geek Speak: The insatiable thirst of Curiousity . . .

The truest fruit of technology lies in the way it empowers the human race. A technology is usually considered empowering when it can reach out to the youngest minds of the society and inspire them to add to its value. This is a fact that is reiterated day

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Geek Speak: When pupils become masters . . .

Kidobotikz is a place of where one gets to discover wonderful realities. When one enters Kidobotikz classrooms, it is usually a beehive of robotic nonchalance. Students are generally oblivious to the surroundings and spend their time learning the essentia

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Geek Speak: Jeffin Sam

7 days and counting ! That’s how we at Team Kidobotikz are now keeping track of the news articles that have sprung up around the city commemorating the unique achievement of our kids. The news has spread across the country as a wildfire and we’ve received

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Geek Speak: Maahir Ali

he week after the world record has been quite tiring. There’s been quite a lot of hustle bustle about the event from all corners and the team at Kidobotikz has been working at the same frenetic pace as before the event even a week after the event. There

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Geek Speak: A Chat with the record holders, Surya & Shailesh

It’s been a good 6 days since the record was set and some of our record holders were finally back at Kidobotikz after an exciting week at school. The record event had made these otherwise geeky mid-schoolers into celebrities back at school.

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Geek Speak: Sai Sujan and Sanjay

“My name is Sai Sujan. I am studying in Modern Senior Secondary School . . .” says the Kid with rejoice as the camera rolls. He is here to record a clip as a part of promotions for the world record event. He gets it right after 4 takes and he is quite

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