Pet lonely at home? Build a robot friend for your pet.

Many pets are left at home for extended periods during the day when their master is at work or school. Pets staying long hours home alone are at risk of depression and around 56% of dogs and 60% of cats are classified as clinically overweight.
And all you pet parents are preoccupied with a lot of stuff, right? So here is a bot that has been designed to keep your pet fit and fine.
You can build this bot with the knowledge that you have gained with the Beginner Level and Advance Level kit. It behaves like an obstacle avoider bot that you have learned in the Advance Level. Isn't it? Here in this bot, you can choose the route of the bot manually and even make it automated as well. 
This Robot can even be controlled via the accompanying smartphone app to let owners play with it when they are home to make playtime more interactive for pets and owners alike to enjoy. So you can also add on to the IoT Level concepts too and go ahead to build your own. 

Source: TrendHunter