09/03/2017 to 22/06/2017 (On Thursdays) by The Express Avenue Mall
EA Robotronics
EA Robotronics is an event which is conducted by Express Avenue mall in association with SP Robotic Works Pvt. Ltd. The event involves SPRW team hosting robotic games in the atrium of the Express Avenue for the visitors throughout the summer.
The desire to host an innovative event that was meant to engage the audience in both a fun and productive way culminated in the promoters of the Express Avenue mall reaching out to SPRW team to conduct events for their visitors.
The Robotronics event involves Robo-themed games conducted on thursdays between 4PM and 7PM at the Express Avenue mall by the team from SPRW.
The Express Avenue Mall
Date & Time
09/03/2017 to 22/06/2017 (On Thursdays)
4 PM to 7 PM
The Express Avenue Mall
Games / Activities