Implantable sand-sized sensors to monitor internal goings on in real time

Health and fitness monitors may have come along in leaps and bounds, but there's still a whole lot they don't know about us. Placing miniaturized sensors deep inside our bodies would be one way to change that, and now it seems such a technology mightn't b

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"Play"- The new way of Learning

Any parent who has ever spent time helping Kids learn their subjects in the primary years have always been in tune with the child’s learning practices, their likes and dislikes. Kids in general are very picky learners. They tend to hold bias in their mind

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Facebook's lightbulb moment for drone-based internet access

If you think your internet is slow, spare a thought for the estimated 4 billion people on the planet who have no access at all. Rather than the costly process of building towers and burying cables, Facebook is taking the internet to the sky to get those p

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Does all play and no work always make Jack a mere toy?

Does all play and no work always make Jack a mere toy? If you are probably wondering what this above question is in reference to, it is the famous saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy; all play and no work makes Jack a mere toy”. The premis

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Smart sutures send wireless status reports from wound sites

Flexible electronics that work with the body have been advancing quickly, doing everything from measuring our blood oxygen levels through our skin to monitoring our muscles using a tattoo. Now, a team of researchers from Tufts University has taken flexibl

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Unveiling Kidobotikz's robo-palooza ! !

If there’re a few months of the academic year that students hate, it must be August and September. These are the two dry months with very meagre holidays. There’s the mid-term that is the first after schools reopened in June and kids still have a good one

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ARmKeypad Air keeps your grubby mitts off the interface

Making interfaces touch-free is a problem with a number of solutions, such as voice control to hand gesture recognition. NEC's ARmKeypad brings augmented reality (AR) into the mix to display a virtual interface onto the user's arm, with input registered t

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Geek Speak: Raghav Ram

If there is one thing that is unpredictable about Kids, it is the fact that can act a lot more adult can you can imagine. It goes for the language they use, the tantrums they throw and more importantly the things they build. The most unlikely of concepts

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Single-motor bots crawl, swim and climb with a wiggle and a wave

Over the years, we've seen a number of robots inspired by the animals kingdom – from jumpers and crawlers to swimmers and fliers. Inspired by the movement of snakes, an Israeli research team has now developed a bot that's said to be the first in the world

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Geek Speak: Sendhan

Distance means so little when passion means so much”. Words like these stand the test of time. What’s all the more impressive is the fact these aren’t false. Several instances that we come across in our daily lives reiterate these facts. It’s the weekend

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