The vast majority of the fancy autonomous flying we've seen from quadrotors has relied on some kind of external localization for position information. Usually it's a motion capture system, sometimes it's GPS, but either way, there's a little bit of cheating involved.

Researchers are working hard towards independent autonomy for flying robots, and we've seen some impressive examples of drones that can follow paths and avoid obstacles using only onboard sensing and computing. The University of Pennsylvania has been doing some particularly amazing development in this area, and they've managed to teach a swarm of of a dozen 250g quadrotors to fly in close formation, even though each one is using just one small camera and a simple IMU. This is probably the largest swarm of quadrotors which don't rely on motion capture or GPS.

Each little quadrotor is equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon Flight development board. The board includes an onboard quad-core computer,  a downward facing VGA camera with 160◦ field of view, a VGA stereo camera pair, and a 4K video camera. For these flights, though, the drones are only using one or two cores of processing power (running ROS), a simple onboard IMU, and a downward-looking VGA camera with a 160 degree field of view. 

Each quadrotor's job is to use visual inertial odometry (VIO) to estimate how far and in what direction it's moved from its starting position, which gives a good approximation of its relative location. To do this, it simply identifies and tracks visual features in its camera field of view: if the drone's camera sees an object, and that object moves right to left across the frame, the drone can infer (with some help from its IMU) that it's moving left to right. Either that, or there's an earthquake going on. Dead reckoning approaches like these do result in some amount of drift, where small errors in position estimation build up over time, but UPenn has managed to keep things under control, with overall positional errors of just over half a meter even after the drones have flown over 100 meters.

Source: IEEE Spectrum