ATLAS can do backflips. Check it out.

Boston Dynamics has quietly dropped a new video, this time revealing the Atlas robot's newfound ability to clear obstacles and jump like a parkour expert. The combination of real-time computer vision and control software, that balances legs, arms, and torso, which makes Atlas as one of the most physically impressive robots ever developed.

First, Atlas mastered the art of balancing, and by the end of 2017 some impressive and frightening, stunt like learning how to complete a backflip. Earlier this year we saw the robot jogging through the woods, easily moving across uneven outdoor landscapes. And now, we see Atlas smoothly leaping up steps and jumping over logs.

Check out the Atlas robot's impressive parkour abilities in the new video below.

Engineers are still simply working on making the most mobile humanoid robot they can. And at the rate, they are progressing it's difficult (and scary) to imagine what this robot will be capable of in another five years time.

Isn't this the concept that you have learned in the Expert Level? So now go ahead with that knowledge and explore yourself then surely that day is not too far that you build your own humanoid robot.

Source: Boston Dynamics