Heat gets applied to the popcorn, causing them to pop into its signature starchy consistency. This happens when the water trapped inside the kernel turns to steam and pops the exterior of the kernel's endosperm. The sudden drop in air pressure stops the endosperm from expanding as it cools in tech surrounding air.
"We have thought of different possibilities, but one interesting demonstration would be a small robot that can hold a packed chamber of kernels," researcher Steven Ceron told IEEE over email. "The robot would be able to rapidly/locally heat a single kernel and push it out of the robot, simultaneously filling an open region with popped kernels and propelling the robot forward. We would be able to fill empty isolated spaces (maybe for thermal insulation, or added structural support) without having to open up the area."
The Cornell team presented their actuator solution at this year's ICRA where it garnered quite a bit of attention, Ceron said.
"People were genuinely interested in the topic and what the possible applications of this novel robotic actuator could be," he noted. "It’s definitely the first work of its kind, so we really hope that it will motivate others to consider non-traditional materials, even something as random as popcorn, when developing new types of actuators and robotic devices."
The team isn't done working on these actuators just yet. Ceron, his advisor Kirstin Petersen, and the rest of the team are looking to perfect other biodegradable options for actuators that could provide eco-friendly and low-cost solutions to these robotics parts.
"I did this work when I first arrived at Professor [Kirstin] Petersen’s lab, so I have been exploring different projects throughout the field," Ceron said. "I am switching gears now to study how we can leverage embodied intelligence and adaptability in soft robots to reduce the cost and control complexity required for a large robot collective."
Source : Interesting Engineering