The weeks at Kidobotikz usually follow the same format. The first three days are usually lull with a few occasional young ones that waltz into the office requesting to know about the latest upgrades and products. The online community is always abuzz with activity as the portal now allows learners across the globe to contact us on the 10X6 online support feature.

However, it’s the weekends that are frenetic with community driven activities. With Thursdays gaining all the action thanks to EA Robotronics, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are all about the maker community which looks to do a thing or two to keep itself alive and kicking. 

However, it’s the weekends that are frenetic with community driven activities. With Thursdays gaining all the action thanks to EA Robotronics, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are all about the maker community which looks to do a thing or two to keep itself alive and kicking.

This is what we set out achieve when we successfully hosted the first Maker Community meetup for Kidobotikz.

SP Robotic Works in association with The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) hosted the Community Meetup for the Chennai community of Kidobotikz. Held at the IITM Research Park over the weekend (24th and 25th of June), the event saw great turnout from the Kidobotikz chennai community. Featuring sessions on Community Projects, Competitions, Industrial Projects and a briefing on Tech happenings from across the industry, the event drew several excited Kidobotikzians,, for whom this was the first shot at getting an exposure to the vastness of the Kidobotikz community. 

Students, who otherwise belong to various age groups and study across different schools, all came together under one commonality-  the love for robotics. SP Robotic Works, which has been instrumental in bringing together all of these participants from the online world to the offline world was equally excited to see the event being received with great adulation.

Close to 200 students spread among four 3 hour long batches had taken part in the community meetup. 

The students were exposed to several interesting robots and were also given a briefing of steps and precautions to be taken when they developed their own robots for robotic events. 

All in all the event was a great success. Here is a glimpse of it.

Kidobotikz is a leading EdTech startup offering Robotics Courses for students. Moving from a Robotics training Institute which conducted Robotics classes to a “Learn Robotics Online”, Kidobotikz today has 4 levels of Kits which offer Robotics for Kids. If the question on your mind is “How to learn robotics”, then the answer is Kidobotikz.