Well, our image of robots are skewed. We always think of them as our creations that we made to ease our lives. A typical image of a robot involves it undertaking a chore that was hitherto done by humans. This has influenced our thoughts so much that we can never think of them as our masters.

The moment we think of them as our masters, we immediately get bogged down in thoughts like “Robot uprising”; “Man vs Machine” etc.  

But why should robot masters be bad? Maybe they cannot not be “our” masters, because they cannot have “mastery” over everything humans do. But how about the things they can master the way humans do? How about Quizmasters?

Robotic Quizmasters? Is that even a thing?

Well, thanks to Kidobotikz, it is a thing now. 

What started as a gentle session of brainstorming resulted in an altogether new concept- A robotic quizmaster hosting its own show on TV!

Kidobotikz in association with Vijay TV has developed Chitti, the midget sized humanoid robot, which will be hosting quizzes on TV starting this Sunday. Featuring in a show called “Little Genius 2.0”, Chitti will be seen asking quiz questions to school children who will be participating in the show! 

To talk more about Chitti, it is a humanoid robot featuring several cutting edge capabilities such as Omnidirectional locomotion ie It can move around in all directions. It has two human like hands with 3 degrees of freedom i.e it can emulate the action of an elbow, a shoulder and a wrist just like humans. It also has fingers like humans with which it can lift weights upto 2 kgs. It’s nimble finger allow it do human like gestures such as dance, do “hurrah!” and hand over gifts to the participants. Not just that, Chitti can exhibit emotions through its eyes. It can express feelings like displeasure, joy and laughter through its eyes. It can do all of this thanks to its LED powered eyes. It has even been taught to do dance maneuvers such as MJ’s famed Moonwalk.

All these features just add to its  cute quotient. It’s real strength lies in the way it can come up with puns and host the show !

Don’t forget to catch Chitti in live action every Sunday between 12pm and 1pm on STAR VIJAY on "Little genius 2.0" !

Kidobotikz is a leading EdTech startup offering Robotics Courses for students. Moving from a Robotics training Institute which conducted Robotics classes to a “Learn Robotics Online”, Kidobotikz today has 4 levels of Kits which offer Robotics for Kids. If the question on your mind is “How to learn robotics”, then the answer is Kidobotikz.