Farming and Robotics are a perfect match.See how?

America's first autonomous robot farm was launched, in the hopes that artificial intelligence(AI) can remake an industry facing a serious labor shortage and pressure to produce more crops. Autonomous machines do the heavy lifting, farming, and sensing. "Angus" which the Iron Ox co-founder Brandon Alexander described as "incredibly intelligent" and like a self-driving car that moves around the farm, sensing, and lifting, and transporting grow modules to the processing area.It uses 90% less water than traditional farms.
There, a robotic arm, which is also autonomous, harvests the plants by gripping the pots. This reduces damage to the plant itself. The robotic arm has four Lidar sensors and can see in 3D and also it has two cameras which also allow it to identify diseases, pests and abnormalities.
Both robots contribute data to, and are in turn controlled by, the Brain, cloud-based AI software that tells them when to act.Each robot knows how to do a job, but they don’t know when they should do a task,”The Brain is overseen by a team of plant scientists, and processes data from sensors throughout the facility and onboard the robots. Other human touches include seeding and elements of the “post-harvest” process, such as picking off stray leaves and packing.
Did you see the arm kind of robot picking leaves?You can also build like arm ROBOT and learn to code the  servo motors to control the arm by finishing our  Expert level.Build more farmbots and automate agriculture!!

Source: Mashable