Whom do you prefer as nurses? Humans or Robots? Read more.

Nurses in hospitals spend the amount of work with preparation and administrative tasks. So this project "Robot Assistant for Nurses"(RAN) aimed to automate the frequent tasks of material preparation before taking of blood samples. 
This robot stores all the necessary tools and material for taking a blood sample and is able to reach all the material and to prepare it according to instructions on a tray. If something is missing during the blood extraction, RAN can handover further material upon request.
Have you noticed? This RAN has an arm with 3 degrees of freedom which is the concept we have learnt in the Expert Level.

Build the Robotic Arm like RAN by learning how to frame algorithms in the ExpertLevel.This robotic arm has been done already with our Expert Level Kit with 1 Degree of Freedom .Click this link to watch and build more Robots like RAN  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GZv4EOB6SU

Source: Robohub