Now that Diwali has been long gone, things are finally back to hunky-dory with all the cracker bursting fun coming to a close. Whatever remains will probably be used up for Karthigai Deepam and New year’s eve. Meanwhile back at Kidobotikz, after the Diwali weekend and an entire week thereafter, students have finally come back on the friday evening to do some roboting at the makerspace. A few of them have come here to know about the concepts they had learnt via their digital learning platform. 

Meanwhile, we meet someone who is quite weary today. Between soccer at school in the afternoon and robotics in the evening at Kidobotikz, he’s had quite a long day and his tiresome face shows it all. And yet, his undaunting love to learn has managed to pull him through all this and cruise through his foundation level. Meet Pranav Marimuthu, our geek for the day and an automobiles enthusiast.

Hey Pranav! Do you mind introducing yourself to our readers?

Hi everyone! I am Pranav Marimuthu. I study in the 6th grade of PSBB Millennium, Chennai. Back here at Kidobotikz, I am in the Foundation level.

Can you tell us how you became associated with Kidobotikz?

I’ve always been interested in robotics. Back when I was in Malaysia for a few years I collaborated with a friend and learnt the basics of programming. We were trying to build a replica of R2D2. that’s when my interest in robots really took off. However, wasn’t sure where to learn it from.  Then when we moved to Chennai, dad started to look for robotics classes for me. That’s when Kidobotikz happened.

That’s interesting. What was your outlook towards robotics before you joined Kidobotikz and how has it changed now?

I’ve always been a robotics aficionado. Before joining Kidobotikz, my assumption was that robotics was a highly complicated and sophisticated subject that could be learnt only by the select few. But after joining, that perspective of mine changed completely. Much to my surprise, I realized that it  was an easy subject.

Also, I have a 3D printer at home that I’ve used to print out gears and parts. So, roboting is where my passion lies.

What are your favourite kind of robots?

My favourite robots would be the fighting robots, the ones that are used in battles. Other robots that interest me are the exoskeletons, especially the one that’s made by Iron Man.

So, what are your plans for the future? Any field of interest that you are looking forward to work in?

I’m passionate about automobiles. I intend to do my studies in automobile engineering and become an automotive engineer.

Kidobotikz is a leading EdTech startup offering Robotics Courses for students. Moving from a Robotics training Institute which conducted Robotics classes to a “Learn Robotics Online”, Kidobotikz today has 4 levels of Kits which offer Robotics for Kids. If the question on your mind is “How to learn robotics”, then the answer is Kidobotikz.