With the advent of products like robotics kit and engaging online learning content, the age bar for initiation to high tech fields such as electronics has been significantly lowered.  More and more students are entering the hitherto unchartered areas of robotics and electronics, while they are still high schoolers. Nowhere is this change more pronounced than at Kidobotikz where you can find every other 8th grader turning the screws on a robot they developed from scratch. The ones not doing the same are probably doing an interesting project using IoT.

Meanwhile, back at Kidobotikz, it’s a leisurely evening and students have gathered at the makerspace to catch up on the upcoming events and brainstorm on new projects. There’s a group that’s already working on the TeleBot project. These are some of the seniors at Kidobotikz. They’ve completed their expert level courses and are now doing other projects such as AgriBot and TeleBot to keep their skills on the edge. I pull one of them who seems rather docile and has been keeping mum for quite a while. I engage him in a conversation to find out more about what he’s upto. Meet Jawahar, our geek for the day.

Hey Jawahar! Do you mind introducing yourself to our readers? And Why are you here at Kidobotikz today?

I’m Jawahar, from Jawahar Vidyalaya Senior Secondary School. I’m in the 8th grade. Back here at Kidobotikz I recently completed the expert level. I will have to give my graduation exam in early June next year and graduate from here. In the meantime, I am working on the Telebot project to gain more expertise. 

Can you tell us what led you to join Kidobotikz?

Well, the credit for encouraging me to learn robotics goes to my dad. He happened to see an ad about CEG’s Kurukshetra event last year and advised me that learning such innovative fields would be useful for my future. We then searched for a place where I could learn such concepts. Kidobotikz caught our eye. And soon, I joined here.

How has Kidobotikz changed you?

For me, before joining Kidobotikz, Robotics was a subject of very high tech that only a select few would ever be able to work on. However, joining Kidobotikz has made me realize the simplicity of robotics. It has also made me realize how much of a fundamental subject robotics is. I’ve learnt a lot after joining Kidobotikz. I never imagined learning so much of programming or mechanical engineering while still in school. To that end, Kidobotikz has helped me a great deal.

What are your favourite kind of robots? What area of robotics do you intend to work on in the future?

My favourite robots are ATVs and humanoids. In particular, I am fond of Nao robots and ASIMO.

However, if there’s a field in robotics that I wanna work, it would have to be microbots. They are capable of shape forming like the ones that are often shown in science fiction. Such robots have a true scope in many areas of application.

What your plans for your higher studies? 

I have been aspiring to do my higher studies in robotics at any of the IITs in our country. I will start my preparations in earnest from next year.

Kidobotikz is a leading EdTech startup offering Robotics Courses for students. Moving from a Robotics training Institute which conducted Robotics classes to a “Learn Robotics Online”, Kidobotikz today has 4 levels of Kits which offer Robotics for Kids. If the question on your mind is “How to learn robotics”, then the answer is Kidobotikz.