When one thinks of the fun associated with schooling, it is usually only till class 9. All the fun and frolic comes to an end at the end of class nine. After that it’s only board exams, stress pressure and marks. There’s no time to think of co-curricular or extracurricular stuff. And all of a sudden, it’s quite a taxing situation for students.

So whatever time is spent until class 9, student stry to use to extort maximum joy and fun. At Kidobotikz, this usually means learning robotics and indulging themselves in some community activity before the fiery pressure of the higher senior secondary years kick in. Today we meet someone who is on the cusp of completing his class nine and moving forward into the twilight years of his schooling. Meet Deepesh, a young roboticist and our focus for today’s geek speak.

Hey Deepesh! Do you mind introducing yourself to our readers?

Hi everyone! I’m Deepesh. I’m in class 9. And I belong to PSBB KK Nagar. Back here at Kidobotikz, I am a graduate.

Can you tell us what led you to join Kidobotikz?

Well, about me joining Kidobotikz , I’ll have to thank a friend of mine. He was the one who told me all about Kidobotikz and asked me to try it out. On his advice, I visited the center to know more about what they did. And soon I joined here after being convinced that this place was different.

Interesting. What was your opinion about robotics learning before joining Kidobotikz and how has it changed?

Before my first class, I assumed that Kidobotikz would be a learning center for robotics where we students would come and the faculty would instruct us on how to build robots. But, much to my surprise, we were taught a lot of the basics that goes into the building of robots.  

I was also surprised to realize that rather than just making us build robots, Kidobotikz equipped us with the requisite knowledge and asked us to let our creativity run wild. This way several amazing concepts could be explored by us and true learning could happen. One thing can be said for sure. Kidobotikz is more about learning basics right rather than just building robots. 

What is your current project? And how do you think your perspective has changed after joining Kidobotikz?

My current project is a IoT based project. I’m working on a module that gets the temperature and weather from the internet rather than collect them using a plethora of sensors. This project holds a lot of promise in getting accurate information for IoT based applications. 

To answer your second question, i would say that my perspective has changed a lot. Thanks to my strong basics in engineering drawing, I’m now exploring softwares like CAD and CATIA to become a full-fledged engineer in the world of robotics and mechanics. 

What is your career ambition?

While Robotics is a passion, I am fiercely patriotic. I intend to join the Indian army and serve the country.

Kidobotikz is a leading EdTech startup offering Robotics Courses for students. Moving from a Robotics training Institute which conducted Robotics classes to a “Learn Robotics Online”, Kidobotikz today has 4 levels of Kits which offer Robotics for Kids. If the question on your mind is “How to learn robotics”, then the answer is Kidobotikz.