It’s Sunday evening and the KRG makerspace is back to it’s full capacity with students relaxing with ahead for their week. But the relaxation isn’t exactly one of somnolence. They’re relaxing with their robots. They’re just trying out new ideas on their stock robots and exploring ways to upgrade them. A separate group of seniors are brainstorming for their upcoming project- Swachbot 2.0. They’re working on the next version of Kidobotikz’s flagship robot. Between their robotic courses and robotics projects, the platter of these young gentlemen is filled for agendas for the evening. Most of them will be here well until the makerspace closes for the day. Meanwhile, I catch up with a Kidobotikz senior. “Senior” here is a relative term considering the fact that is only in his tenth grade. But, his accomplishments surely suggest otherwise. He’s had a rather momentous KRG with 3 wins. Meet Charan, PSBBian, Robotics wizard and a proud Kidobotikzian.

Hey Charan! Why don’t you temme a bit about yourself and your path to Kidobotikz?

As you said, I am Charan, Class 10, PSBB KK.Nagar. Back here at Kidobotikz, I finished my Expert level recently and am now awaiting the Graduation ceremony. My association with Kidobotikz dates way back to 2013. Kidobotikz back then was relatively new and had a smaller center. I was a walk-in. I feel in love as soon as I came here. Robotics was a relatively new interest for me and thanks to Kidobotikz it has now turned into a passion.

Interesting. So, how does it feel to be a robotics enthusiast here at Kidobotikz?

Well, robotics for me is a highly empowering experience. I get to feel like a grown up doing all kinds of grown up things. The whole aspect of learning through robotics as a process appeals to me immensely. I have learnt concepts that are just mindblowing for a student of my age. Considering the fact that I’ve managed to learn them makes me feel great about myself.

So, how was your KRG experience this time?

Well, this was a KRG I would remember for a long time. I made it a point to participate in all 7 of the senior events. I managed to win 2 events, Robo Sumo where I was placed first and Auto Transbot where I came 2nd. Although I narrowly missed out on the overall champion. But the fact that I was nominated for it is a great positive that I will be taking back this time.

Why are you here this weekend, if I may ask?

Actually, there are a lot of roboting events this upcoming season. There’s the Singapore Robo Games, the event at NIT-Calicut and a few others. I am here to plan for these events and see how I can participate differently this time. More importantly, the Swachbot 2.0 project is underway. So I am here to brainstorm for it as well.

That’s interesting! So, can you temme what’s your most favourite thing about Kidobotikz?

Well, the best thing I love about Kidobotikz is the atmosphere. I have always been a techie from my young age. Kidobotikz has just kept that curiosity alive. More importantly, the ambiance that I have here at Kidobotikz is something I love. With all the tools around and faculty to support, it is a paradise for curious learners like me.

Moving on, why don’t you temme if there is a particular kind of robot that you have a fascination for?

Sumo robots are my favourite. They represent raw power in the battle arena which is something that impresses me.

So, what do you plan to do when you graduate from high school?

Well, that’s an interesting question. My passion always keeps oscillating between Computers and Robotics. Before joining Kidobotikz, I was more interested in computers, gadgets and the whole gizmo. For a long time after joining Kidobotikz, I was caught up with the fantasy of robotics. Now, I am again leaning towards computers. So, I really am not sure.

Kidobotikz is a leading EdTech startup offering Robotics Courses for students. Moving from a Robotics training Institute which conducted Robotics classes to a “Learn Robotics Online”, Kidobotikz today has 4 levels of Kits which offer Robotics for Kids. If the question on your mind is “How to learn robotics”, then the answer is Kidobotikz.