What best defines a Saturday evening? It’s an ideal day to kick back with some robotics before you need to catch up with your assignments on Sunday. Kidobotikz is usually a place where robotics is used to kick back from the tiresome rigours of the week. Today is no different. There’s a trickle of students who are here working with their robotics kits and figuring out the seemingly endless projects that can be done with them. One can look around and notice sheets of paper scribbled with rough sketches; some being electronic circuits and some being mechanical drawings of robots.

Amidst all this we meet someone who is hard at work learning about the various concepts on the Advance level kit. Meet Ankith Motha, our geek for the day and an avid defence enthusiast.

Hi Ankith! Can you tell us about about yourself? Introduce yourself to our readers.

I’m Ankith! I study in class 8 of PSBB Millennium, Gerugambakkam. Back at Kidobotikz, I’m in the advance level.

Can you tell us how your association with Kidobotikz happened ?

I joined Kidobotikz four years ago. It was a chance occurrence. My mom happened to be glancing at the newspaper and found that there was a robotics workshop being conducted for school students. I had also recently seen the Iron Man movie and was amazed about the exoskeleton armour “Jarvis” shown in the movie. I was sold on the idea of learning robotics. And I joined Kidobotikz.

That is good. What do you like about Kidobotikz? And what’s your opinion of robotics after joining Kidobotikz?

Well, science fiction shows a lot of advanced robotics. For me as a student, to reach there, I need to take the first step in learning robotics. Kidobotikz is the platform that has enabled this for me.

How easy has it been to manage schooling and robotics in one go?

If you think about it, it’s not all that challenging. It’s quite fun. However, I did take a break in the middle. I took a break of couple of years and then came back to continue my course. But, as I’ve learnt more science in the meantime, it’s made things easier for me as well. I am able to relate school concepts with robotics more easily.

What are your favourite robots?

I’m fascinated by robots that are used in defence and military applications. Everything in defence technology is something that dazzles me. Missiles like BrahMos, Agni and Prithvi use a lot of automation and guidance all of which has been derived from robotics.

Is there any type of robot that you would like to develop?

Even as I said earlier, Iron Man is my favourite superhero. I’d like to build an exoskeleton like Jarvis.

What are your plans for the future? What do you want to do when you finish schooling and college? 

I wish to study robotics at MIT. After that I wish to be a robotics entrepreneur. I dream to develop a company on the lines of STARK INDUSTRIES. 

Kidobotikz is a leading EdTech startup offering Robotics Courses for students. Moving from a Robotics training Institute which conducted Robotics classes to a “Learn Robotics Online”, Kidobotikz today has 4 levels of Kits which offer Robotics for Kids. If the question on your mind is “How to learn robotics”, then the answer is Kidobotikz.