Friday is here and along with it has descended the weekend mindset. Far more that the weekend, it’s the weekend which brings the feel of peace and serenity, for people know that they have a whole weekend of joy ahead of them. Meanwhile, back at Kidobotikz’s classrooms, students have started to dot the classroom with their excited faces. They are here to attend their classes. But the makerspace of Kidobotikz paints quite a different picture. It bears a rather deserted look and has only two young students who’ve taken the corner to themselves. While the makerspace being empty could simply be attributed to the fact that it is still 4:30 PM on a friday evening, the presence of these two young kidobotikzians who seem to be unto themselves seems rather intriguing. Turns out they’re here for a purpose and their hands are full. I decide to strike up a chat with one of them and the other concedes to talk to me tomorrow. Meet Ahilesh who took some time to indulge in the “Geek Speak”.

Hey Ahilesh! May I know why’re you here today?

Well there’s a project expo that is about to be held at our school in a few weeks from now. That is why I’ve come here to Kidobotikz to develop a project for the expo.

Which school do you belong to, if I may ask?

Well, I am a 9th Grader at Kolaperumal Chetty Vaishnav Senior Secondary School. 9B to be precise (laughs).

Well, that’s a rather long school name for me to remember. But I guess I won’t be asking much about your school, so I guess that saves me the trouble of remembering the name.

So, do you mind describing your journey to Kidobotikz?

Well, my introduction to Kidobotikz is a rather interesting story. I have always been obsessed with robotic sciences and have even tried to do a lot of experiments as Kid. But, I had always longed for a formal robotic training course. Being a school kid was a major impediment. But, as chance would have it, I once was having a stroll on the street and happen to stumble upon a pamphlet that was lying down on the street. I saw the name Kidobotikz on it and immediately took home the pamphlet. (I) used the number given on the sheet and gave them a call. Not long after that was I a Kidobotikzian.

Interesting. So, how does it feel to be a robotics hobbyist? And could you elaborate on your school project?

Roboting for me is a passionate experience. Thanks to Kidobotikz now I can actually do roboting the proper way. Also, it helps me see things on a holistic level. Things of everyday life don’t appear as just magical gadgets but actual marvels of engineering. As for my school project, it is a gesture controlled cleaning robot. We’ve used the stock robot and incorporated functionality into it which makes it capable of being controlled using gestures.This way the user can clean the surrounding using nothing but gestures.

Impressive! So, what kinda robots capture your imagination?

Well, I’ve always felt amazed by Honda’s ASIMOs. They represent the hotbed of cutting edge innovations that is Humanoid robotics. Another major inspiration is the work of Boston Dynamics. Their work is truly magnificent.

My best wishes for you! To conclude our chat, I’d like to know your future plans and ambitions when you graduate from Kidobotikz and high school

Well, I wanna be a robotics engineer. That much I am sure about. Where I plan to study and what I plan to specialize in is something that I am still not sure of.

Kidobotikz is a leading EdTech startup offering Robotics Courses for students. Moving from a Robotics training Institute which conducted Robotics classes to a “Learn Robotics Online”, Kidobotikz today has 4 levels of Kits which offer Robotics for Kids. If the question on your mind is “How to learn robotics”, then the answer is Kidobotikz.