
From Storage spaces to Makerspaces. . . .

If you are looking at the above image and are wondering what is, here’s some interesting tidbit for you. The above image is of Amazon’s Kiva robots. Kiva robots, a product of Amazon Robotics, is a revolution in the logistics and warehousing industry. Ever

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Why do we conduct KRG?

“The ultimate victory in competition is derived from the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your best and that you have gotten the most out of what you had to give.” ~ Howard Cosell This incredible quote by the renowned sportscaster, wh

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Democratizing Tech-education for the innovators of tomorrow

Internet has been called a “great equalizer”. It brought to us some of the creature comforts that generations before us could simply never gain access to. It brought us the gift of connectivity and massive outreach across the globe. There aren’t quite man

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"Play"- The new way of Learning

Any parent who has ever spent time helping Kids learn their subjects in the primary years have always been in tune with the child’s learning practices, their likes and dislikes. Kids in general are very picky learners. They tend to hold bias in their mind

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Does all play and no work always make Jack a mere toy?

Does all play and no work always make Jack a mere toy? If you are probably wondering what this above question is in reference to, it is the famous saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy; all play and no work makes Jack a mere toy”. The premis

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Unveiling Kidobotikz's robo-palooza ! !

If there’re a few months of the academic year that students hate, it must be August and September. These are the two dry months with very meagre holidays. There’s the mid-term that is the first after schools reopened in June and kids still have a good one

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The alternative box to the "Idiot Box" ! !

Parents always tend to enjoy the seemingly endless energy displayed by their Kids. They cannot stop brooding over the charming mischief that kids indulge in when they are not at school or when they are not playing outside. However, there’s a fine line bet

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Kidobotikz kits: A Gateway to STEM learning

Over the course of the past decade, the demand for STEM learning in the country has gained commendable traction. STEM, which is an abbreviation for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math is a form of learning wherein all the aforementioned subjects are

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The need for an inclusive educational curriculum

What is the best way of undergoing Education? This is a question that is as old as mankind itself. Centuries of learning and understanding concepts have helped us humans evolve as a species, but does just comparing our proficiency with that of our ancesto

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Unboxing the kit: Foundation level

If you have already read through the two of our previous posts where we just piqued your interest and yet did not reveal anything substantial, we are just sorry. We have been only trying to build up the surprise until we reveal the endless possibilities t

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