Why Begin robotics?

Well, Robots today are found everywhere. They are found at the depths of the ocean; they are found in the vast spaces between the planets. There are several rovers on Mars digging into the martian soil even as you read. There are hundreds more that are waiting in line to explore the vastness of our solar system.

Back on earth, there are millions of robots negotiating dangerous environments, hoovering our floors, lifting patients in hospital, building cars and entertaining us in films.

So, we know a lot about robots. But do we know how to build them?

A lot of us would say “No!”  to this.

At Kidobotikz we are hard at work trying to change this “No!” to a resounding “Yes!”

Why Kidobotikz? Why not any other robotics courses?

Robotics courses in a classroom based setup does not get you the real feel of learning robotics ! Who doesn’t wanna sit back and work on their favourite projects on the weekends! If you enroll for Robotic training at institutes, the time you get to spend on your favourite activity is restricted to just a couple of hours on the weekend.

What if you could learn from online?

Well, sounds like a simple plan doesn’t it? Yes, of course it is simple ! Who hasn’t tried to  learn robotics online ? There are hundreds of websites that give you a brief understanding of robotics and there are millions of youtube videos which help you do projects and build robots. And there are many institutes that claim to offer Robotics Courses Online or Robotics Classes Online. 

But are they really helpful? Can you easily understand robotics from all these videos?

Not really. Unless you are someone who has a basic understanding of mechanics, electronics and programming, comprehending these courses will definitely be an uphill battle. 

So, amidst all this clutter on the internet, which is your best option?

Well, depends on what you are looking out for!

The learning of robotics does not end at the basic understanding of building robots. It goes deeper than that. A robotics enthusiast really shines only when he gets to display his skills and talents in a community.

So, what will be ideal choice for someone who is looking for all of this?

We would say why don’t you take a free trial?

Kidobotikz is a leading EdTech startup which offers Robotics Kits for students. Moving from a Robotics training Institute which conducted Robotics classes for students, Kidobotikz has moved to a digital learning model where users can Robotics Kits and learn STEM courseware through the fun activity of building robots. By incorporating Robotics Training into a Maker-Centric Education courseware, Kidobotikz provides students with a holistic and fully rounded knowledge in the field of Science and Technology. The concepts of Robotics which can be broken down into four constituent pieces of Electronics, Mechanics, Algorithm and Programming can provide students with an overall learning of the core areas of Science and Technology. 

In short, if your question is “How to learn robotics” and “What is technology?”, then the answer is Kidobotikz.

Kidobotikz is a leading EdTech startup offering Robotics Courses for students. Moving from a Robotics training Institute which conducted Robotics classes to a “Learn Robotics Online”, Kidobotikz today has 4 levels of Kits which offer Robotics for Kids. If the question on your mind is “How to learn robotics”, then the answer is Kidobotikz.