Why was I been redirected here? Is this still earth?

Hey there! Don’t worry, you’re still very firm on Terra firma !

If you’ve been redirected to this page, that’s probably because you got too curious and clicked on the popup for Kidobotikz’s “Pots ‘N’ Bots Festival ”!

Nevermind you came to the right place and are going to have some fun doing creative stuff!

So, what’s this page about?

This article is about what the Kidobotikz “Pots N Bots” festival.

The “Pots n whaaat...?”

The “Pots ‘N’ Bots” festival !

When the entire world is huffed up about Pongal, Bhogi, burning and bulls, we decided we wanted to make this festival about something else.

Well we wanted to make it about Bots! Yes, you heard it right- Robots !

We are celebrating the harvest festival with some robots! Robots that could some day take over farms and reduce the burden of our beasts !

Come join us in celebrating this new type of pongal fest!

So how can I be a part of this celebration?

Simple. Just build robots or projects that commemorate the Pongal festival and share it with us!

Ok. I build a robot. But what do I get out of it?

Relax, we’re just getting started! Share the video of your Pongal themed robot with us and join a long list of Kidobotikzians who will be making their submissions on the same theme.

Ok. What next?

Well, we will be selecting the best of the robots built on the theme and those robots will be awarded with exciting prizes..

Ok. I built the robot. So, how do I submit it?

Simple. Just upload the video file of your robot and send it to us at support@kidobotikz.com.

We’ll notify you when we receive the submission and also let you know when you win it

That’s cool. Anything else?

Oh Yeah! See the video given below if you are looking for any inspiration as to how to build a pongal themed robot !

Get Robotin'

Kidobotikz is a leading EdTech startup offering Robotics Courses for students. Moving from a Robotics training Institute which conducted Robotics classes to a “Learn Robotics Online”, Kidobotikz today has 4 levels of Kits which offer Robotics for Kids. If the question on your mind is “How to learn robotics”, then the answer is Kidobotikz.