Panasonic robots take temp jobs at airport and hotel

Panasonic Corporation is introducing the HOSPI(R) Autonomous Delivery Robot which is designed to interact with guests in various industries.

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NASA’s Opportunity Rover: How 90 days on Mars Turned into 12 Years

Opportunity, the mars rover, celebrates its 12th year on the fourth world from the Sun.

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Stretchy robotic suit reduces energy used to walk by 23 per cent

This new robotic “exosuit”, developed by researchers at Harvard Biodesign Lab, cuts the energy a wearer uses to walk by 23 per cent. This flexible, textile exoskeleton will help in developing exoskeletons that are light and can be manufacture enmasse.

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Fun Robotics @ Fun City, EA

Well, who said robotics is supposed to be just a learning experience? Well, Robotics does help you learn a lot in science and math. But what’s the whole point of learning if you can’t have a lil fun with it. More importantly, should you have fun with rob

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Cardboard delivery drone has a one-way ticket

This new cardboard drone being funded by DARPA has the ability to deliver vital goods and disappear soon after the job is done.

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Kidobotikz @ Carnival-Students fair

Kidobotikz took part in “Carnival”- a fair organized for students. This was an annual event organized by Narayana Group of Schools

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Goan Makers @ Kidobotikz

Kidobotikz, being the organization that encourages curious minds, wanted to give these enthusiast college students a peek into what goes behind the making of a unique product like Kidobotikz.

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ReRAM can now store and process data in the same chip

These chips could lead to smaller and thinner devices that use less power while also doubling as a storage chip.

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New tech uses advanced Physics to improve Lasers

A team at the University of California San Diego has developed a new type of laser that could lead to smaller and more efficient lasers for medical, computing and optical communication applications.

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Soft robotic heart sleeve helps pump blood

A team of researchers from Harvard University and Boston Children's Hospital have developed a soft robotic sleeve that closely replicates normal heart muscle behavior.

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