Residential turbine design inspired by hummingbird wings

Who would've thought that the wings of a hummingbird could hold the key for Wind energy's future ?

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Swarms of Robotic plankton ride underwater waves of survival

This swarm-sensing approach opens up a whole new realm of ocean exploration

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Scientists from Harvard claim to have created Solid Metallic Hydrogen

Researchers at Harvard University claim to have created solid metallic hydrogen. We aren't sure if this is science or alchemy !

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Lunar XPrize finalists to shoot for the moon in 2017

The Google Lunar XPrize foundation has finally confirmed the five finalist teams that have secured launch contracts and will make a final push for the Moon's surface before the year 2017 ends. The final five consists of an Indian team as well- Team Indus.

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This machine lets you use your Smartphone to analyze DNA

Using two lasers, a white LED, a lens, and a filter this device turns your smartphone's camera into a molecular microscope.

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Science Behind Things: WiFi

Who amongst us doesn’t know the importance of this technology!? In the modern world where Internet is ubiquitous and connectivity to social media is an all important ritual, WiFi is the one connecting medium that has ensured this.

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Kidobotikz tour of Mauritius

The sandy shores of Port Louis are known for the tourists, the coconuts and the beautiful coastline. It’s the perfect getaway when you are expecting to get away from the buzz of the industrial life. But, nobody said no to the drones and hums of robots on

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ALMA looks straight into the sun with impunity

This innovative way of imaging will help scientists peer at the Sun without any damage and unlock the secrets of its mysterious Corona.

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Brain-controlled robot lets physically challenged see the world

The idea behind Teleport, is simple enough: to allow people to be in two places at once, as is the case with other telepresence devices. While there are numerous corporate and industrial settings in which it can be employed (Aubot's biggest customers at t

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Kidobotikz@WSE Bengaluru

The Startup Expo-cum-Conference was a major meeting point of several disruptive startups from across the globe. Featuring in excess of 350 startups from domains ranging from education to telecommunication, the event was a melting pot for ideas and ideolog

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