A New Kind of Memory Could Make RAM and ROM Obsolete

Apart from ROM & RAM a third type of computer memory is on the scene, and it’s capable doing everything on its own, plus a little more.

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See Straight Through Walls by Augmenting Your Eyeballs With Drones

A drone combined with a HoloLens can simulate X-ray vision while offering easy and intuitive control

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Maker of the month : Yashvanthan ID

The wait is over for SPRW Community members! We are here to announce the “Maker of the Month”

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Robot could soon be drawing on your walls

A couple of years ago, design firm Carlo Ratti Associati showcased a system in which drones were used to draw images on walls. It was very clever, but perhaps not something that could become a commercial product. The company's Scribit wall-drawing robot,

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8th Navigation Satellite of India launched successfully.

IRNSS-1I, the eighth satellite for India's homegrown global positioning system was launched today.

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Customized “Exosuits” Will Move With Your Stride

Harvard researchers used an algorithm to customize a hip-support exosuit adapted to a wearer's unique stride. When walking, the exosuit wearers used less metabolic energy as a result.

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New Wireless Sensors Could Collect Critical Data of Bedridden Patients

These thin medical sensors could help doctors better monitor some of their most vulnerable patients.

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Computer System Knows What You Wish You Said

A team from MIT created a computer interface that uses electrodes to register what people want to say without them ever opening their mouths.

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This Small Robot Lures Hackers Away from Other Robots

A robotics team created a HoneyBot to be the physical representation of an industrial facility's robotics ever being hacked.

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Robo-Bat and Rolling Robot Spider

Festo’s latest bio-inspired creations.

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