Virtual home teaches robots to do household chores in a virtual world

A new system called VirtualHome has the potential to teach robots how to execute household tasks in a 3D simulation.

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Farming robot changes the future of plant pollination

With big plans for the future of the robot farming companion, you can read more about the robotic pollination project here.

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This Flamethrowing Tractor Gets Rid of Weeds Without the Need of Chemicals

Using a giant flamethrower attached to a tractor, organic farmers manage to control weeds without synthetic chemicals.

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Mobile Snake-arm Robot delivered to Oxford MRG

A snake-arm robot, integrated with a mobile vehicle, to Oxford Mobile Robotics Group (MRG).

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Disney’s human-scale ‘Stickman’ robot can do backflips

Humans can be great acrobats, but what about Disney robots? Disney Research has one such human-scale robot — called Stickman, because it’s literally a robotic stick — that is capable of aerial acrobatics, like backflips

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Watch a Med-evac Drone perform a simulated rescue

The Cormorant can pick up casualties without needing a crew.

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Robot Swims with No Motor and No Battery

Caltech researchers have successfully engineered mini robots that can propel themselves and navigate their way through water using their own bodies' reactions to different temperatures.

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The 'Weedinator' is an Epic Autonomous Backyard Project

This unique autonomous farm tool could be a new way for farmers to take care of crops in a more efficient way.

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