NTT Docomo gets spherical LED display off the ground

Consisting of a quadcopter contained within a spherical frame measuring 88 cm (34.6 in) in diameter, the device produces images via a series of eight vertical curved strips of LEDs that rapidly rotate horizontally. As the strips rotate, the LEDs flash on

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Kitty Hawk's electric Flyer takes to the air in slick promo video

Silicon Valley startup Kitty Hawk – backed by Google's Larry Page, who also threw his weight behind a rotor-based flying car a few years back – has released a video showing off the prototype of an upcoming all-electric personal flying machine it's calling

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Flexible iSkin sensors lets users turn their skin into touchscreen interface

Turn your entire BODY into a touchscreen: Flexible iSkin sensors let you control gadgets by poking and stroking your skin.

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How marine biology inspired Soft Robotics’ industrial grippers

on Valentine’s Day at Soft Robotics in Cambridge, Mass. a staff member places heart-shaped marshmallow Peeps on a conveyor belt. A mechanical arm snatches them up, one by one, setting them gently in a nearby box. It isn’t much of a romantic celebration, r

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Watch Lilium’s successful test flight of the world’s first electric VTOL jet

Lilium has successfully tested its all-electric vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) jet for the first time.

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Robotic cheetah moves almost as efficiently as the real thing

The fastest land animal on Earth, the cheetah, has inspired a number of swift-footed robots

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Meet Tarzan, the swinging robot farmer inspired by a sloth

Engineers in Japan have already created a fully autonomous 'robot run' farm, and those already working on farms are adopting self-driving tractors. Robots are likely to play a big role in the future of farming and agriculture.

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Toyota’s new robot leg brace can help those with partial paralysis walk again

Toyota is introducing a new robotic leg brace called the Welwalk WW-1000 that can help patients with partial paralysis affecting one side of their body walk again.

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The robot that takes your job might be cute enough to go viral

Hikvision’s range of package sorting robots. “Little Orange” can be seen bottom center. The other machines are for carrying bigger packages and pallets

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Honda's Miimo robotic lawn mower heads stateside

So why bother if it is summer and if your lawn has an uncouth growth of grass. Honda's robotic lawnmower is here.

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