Robot eel to hunt down water pollution

The robotics researchers at Switzerland's École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) have produced some truly impressive (and creepy) animal-inspired droids over the years. Following in the footsteps of the team's robotic turtles, grasshoppers and cr

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Young Creator of the Month: Krishaanth Ramaraj

Young creator of the month june edition.

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Meet the International Space Station’s adorable camera drone

Astronauts on board the International Space Station have a new robotic companion to play around with. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has released the first images shot by the "Int-Ball," a spherical camera that floats around alongside the r

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The slithering search and rescue robot

If you ever find yourself stuck in a disaster zone, your rescuer could take on some unexpected forms, like a drone or a cyborg cockroach – and now we can add a soft robotic snake to the mix. A Stanford team has developed a flexible robot that grows like a

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Airport Robots Will Begin Assisting Travelers

LG’s airport guide robot, to be launched soon at Seoul’s Incheon International Airport

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MIT's New Robot Can Teach Its Metallic Kin

The new robot can learn from a demonstration and teach other robots what it knows.

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Magnetic fields and muscles allows robot to move without batteries

Small and large folding robots in their relaxed state, with a US quarter for scale. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University

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Robot Chefs Could Take Over Our Kitchens Very Soon

Could robot chefs make real ones obsolete? If you love to cook at home then it’s unlikely you’ll ever desire an automaton to help you around the house.

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Snake robot turns into multi-legged snake monster

Carnegie Mellon's snake robot inspired by nature.

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Google Glass back in action, this time targets industries

Google Glass arguably always only made sense as an enterprise-focused product, but now it’s officially back and customized for those applications, with Glass Enterprise Edition (EE). The wearable head-mounted display has long had a place in the enterprise

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