Honda debuts four very different robotics concepts at CES

Honda's 3E concepts explore how robotics can benefit from empowerment, empathy and experience.

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Conquering Titan With a Nuclear Quad Octocopter

Quadcopters in Titan, a moon of Saturn has Quadcopters now that acts as Planetary Rovers!

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Robots exploring Deep Sea

Schools of Robots Are Mapping the Unknown Features of the Deep Sea

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Amazon patents a mirror that dresses you in virtual clothes

Have you ever fretted over buying a suit or dress online for a wedding or another flashy event, wondering how it would look on your frame or if it would even fit?

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This Autonomous Quadrotor Swarm Doesn't Need GPS

Autonononous Swarm Robots Flying independently without GPS

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Google's New Voice AI is Hyper Realistic

Google just published new information about its latest advancements in voice AI. The new Tacotron sounds just like a human.

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Modular Autonomous Car Could Change the Way We Commute

The Oiio design team is dissecting the way we will drive in the future. Their bubble-shaped design could be the way you commute in 2060.

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How Machine Learning Lets Robots Teach Themselves

All you need is a few rules and virtually infinite tests.

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Robot Can Work Out Just Like a Human and Even Sweat

Humanoid Kengoro can almost walk just like you. The advanced robot is just another example of how quickly robotics is moving.

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