Can you wear your chair? Yes you heard it right.Read more.

This Wearable Chair Looks Ridiculous, But It Solves a Real Problem.The Chairless Chair could be a lifesaver for factory workers.

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Bio-Degradable Robots. Is it a far fetched reality?

Their goal is to create smart materials that decay just like human skin. So that at the end of a robot’s ‘life’, it could be buried. Thus it can be ensured that there is no environmental threat.

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Are you a student? Here are 5 Reasons you should participate in a competition!!!

Competition may be one of the most contentious and misunderstood topics in education. Should our students compete? What about collaboration? Doesn't competition create winners and losers? Is it ok if someone loses? Doesn’t it create too much pressure? It

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Robot hand learns to handle objects

OpenAI's new domain randomization system called Dactyl autonomously discovers how to manipulate objects with movements similar to those used by real people.

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Two Russian humanoids in ISS

Russia prepares to send two humanoid robots to the international space station The ISS could be getting two new high-powered robots working alongside human researchers.

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Karate-chopping Centauro robot shows that four legs are better than two

Centauro is designed for disaster relief missions

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The BlackFly by Opener is a flying car that could turn us all into pilots

Forget self-driving cars. The race to build the first flying car is now very much on. This week, Californian startup Opener officially threw its hat in the flying car ring with the debut of BlackFly, heralded as “the world’s first ultralight all-electric

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Google AI experiment compares poses to 80,000 images as you move

Move Mirror uses computer vision to match your pose to images of others.

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Rolls-Royce Is Building Cockroach-Like Robots to Fix Plane Engines

Typically, engineers want to get bugs out of their creations. Not so for the U.K. engineering firm (not the famed carmaker) Rolls-Royce — it’s looking for a way to get bugs into the aircraft engines it builds.

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This pokéball-like robot

This Pokéball-style origami robot can safely capture jellyfish, octopuses, and other delicate sea creatures with ease.

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