Here’s the first advance look at cars to be unveiled at the Frankfurt Auto Show in two weeks. This is the Smart Vision EQ fortwo. It’s autonomous and can be shared solo, or by a couple or two individuals going the same way. EQ is a new Daimler product and technology brand.

The show car is the first vehicle from the Daimler Group to take the logical step of dispensing with a steering wheel and pedals.

Daimler talks about its car2go service in the press release describing the vehicle almost immediately, outlining how it has 2.6 million global customers, and sees a rental start once every 1.4 seconds – a number which is steadily growing. The Smart vision EQ’s built-in displays are perfect for car2go shared use, and its “swarm intelligence” could make finding and starting a rental even easier.

Swarm intelligence would allow the vehicle to basically be constantly in motion on its own, relocating to where it’s most likely needed most based on historical data and demand projection analysis. This would basically allow car2go to operate more like an on-demand ride provider – meaning when you book a rental, the car comes to you.

Source: Tech Crunch