Hyperloop One, the futuristic tube-based high-speed transportation system, has announced 35 teams from all over the world to actualise the potential of the system in different regions – with one of them being India. If the system finds its way to India, we could potentially see distances like Delhi-Mumbai (~1200 kilometers) being covered in less than one hour.

The ‘Hyperloop One Global Challenge’, announced by the company in May 2016, was able to attract 2,600 teams of engineers and planners from across the globe, according to a report from Inverse. The 35 finalist teams were announced on Friday, and will be present at three showcases that will be held by the company in New Delhi on February 28, Washington DC on April 6 and London on April 27.

The company will be inviting government leaders to these showcases, to display the potential of the high-speed system in their individual regions. Nick Earle, who oversees global field operations of Hyperloop One has said the feedback from governments will be determining if Hyperloop One is considered for the region.

Among the proposed routes and their feasibility, Hyperloop is potentially looking at five Indian sectors where the system can be built: Delhi-Mumbai, Bangalore-Thiruvananthapuram, Chennai-Bangalore, Mumbai-Chennai and a port connector project. The company has shared a big list of potential routes across the globe. Earle has said that there could be multiple winners going forward, and the company is keeping all options open.

Regions that win will then be checked for feasibility before the company moves forward with any projects. “We want to have three routes in production in the next five years,” said Lloyd to Inverse. This means that Hyperloop will be choosing only three systems to build out of the 35 it has projected.

The way forward for the vaccum-tube transportation in India could potentially see large hurdles, as with most major infrastructure projects. Land acquisition for building the Hyperloop system and the funding itself will be one of the largest challenges in India. Even though it might sound like a cool concept, the reality of this coming to India might be a little slim at the moment.

Economic times

Hyperloop is the brainchild of entrepreneur Elon Musk, and was announced by him back in 2013. The system proposes to propel pod-like vehicles through a near-vacuum tube at speeds close to 1200 km/h. It is projected as the fastest way to travel between two places.

“Hyperloop is a new way to move people and things at airline speeds for the price of a bus ticket. It’s on-demand, energy-efficient and safe. Think: broadband for transportation,” the company says on its website.